Tag Archives: practice management

Law Firm Document Management Software

Law firms invest time and money in case management software, often considering document management after the fact. Case management keeps a busy law firm on track by organizing data and moving cases along. Document management is one very significant component of case management. Creating, saving, and accessing the appropriate case-related items (such as pleadings, medical records, and contacts) will make or break your ability to get the best result for your client in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. Continue reading

Five Analytics Reports You Aren’t Running and Why You Should

Last week I spoke at the State Bar of Texas Annual Convention during the wonderful Ignite Program.  I am truly honored for the opportunity to speak with such an amazing group of people (you can see the full line-up here).

Five Analytics Reports You Aren’t Running and Why You Should was a huge success, and while the topic certainly isn’t sexy, the advice can push you toward creating a lean, mean law firm.

You can check out the presentation on Slideshare or below.  I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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The Value in Listening to Your Staff

Law firms are hectic, busy places, and often in the search for the next client, the new case, or the next big interview, law firm managers can forget about something more vital to their firms than any large case – their staff. In my work, I see it over and over again, and I’ve mentioned it in almost all of my blog posts. The individuals that hold the keys to your law firm’s kingdom are your staff. Take the time to listen to what your staff have to say, and you can build a law firm built on trust and keep morale at an all-time high. Continue reading