Tag Archives: knowledge management

Law Firm Document Management Software

Law firms invest time and money in case management software, often considering document management after the fact. Case management keeps a busy law firm on track by organizing data and moving cases along. Document management is one very significant component of case management. Creating, saving, and accessing the appropriate case-related items (such as pleadings, medical records, and contacts) will make or break your ability to get the best result for your client in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. Continue reading

Hey, Paralegals: This is Just for You

Many of my posts are written for paralegals and attorneys – I think. This one is just for you, Paralegals.

In fact, this post is more of a solicitation for your input.  Here’s my question: What do you wish other paralegals knew?

I’ve written posts on what paralegals wish attorneys knew and vice versa. Now I want to know what you, Paralegals, want other paralegals to know.

This is my list:

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